YEP!its DAVID TAO!!!!! Actually,i don really like him lar!But no offence to his FANS OKAY!!!!!
This one was taken when Louise and myself was on our way to lot1!
As you can see,i was very 'HOT'.YEP!there are two meanings for this,figure it out yourself:)
Later,i realised that the one taken in uni was a little bit too happy which makes the whole thing wrong!!! So i took a new one when i went home!!!
As you might have realised,i used a different hand!!But i really have no choice,i took it myself and honestly,i have a very serious problem using my right hand to do it!! In order to present the best and most PROFESSIONAL photo for you all!!!!!
If you don't believe, this is the evidence~
GOD! I just look so weird !And not only in this photo,the others that i took with ,my right hand look like this too!!The hand look so FAKED!!!!And not to mention, BIG!!
Continue on our way to lot1 library to play RISK(A rather stupid war game) which happen a NONG NONG time ago.It was a really really HOT day,and this time, HOT has only one meaning!!!!Luckily,Louise seem to have predicted that it would be so, thus,i was asked to buy a big COKE on my way.And of course,IT save our lives!!!!
Also,she was really not at all enthu when i took out my camera but do i cared!!!!!Of course i forced her into it!!!!! MUAHAHAHA~~ TO produce the best photo I-WILL-DO-ANYTHING!!!!!
I even took out my KU NIANG and very FLOWERY umbrella to include it into the pic!!!!At that time,there was also people around u know anot!!!!
Later, in the libray,when we were about to leave to somewhere but apparently i have no idea now!I asked her to stay still so i could take a pic but did she listen????!!!! Apparently, NO!
As a result,the photo had turn out into a comical way!
I am really sorry to her that i had to put this up!:l But i can't be blame right!!???
Myself as person A: YEP! XINXIAN cannot possibly be blame for this lor!!!
Myself as person B: I agree, it is not her fault!!!
Etc....etc.....etc... OKAY! There are alot of 'VOICES' to be heard!!!
OKAY.I really know that this is very and i mean very lame but at the moment i am terribly bored!!!
In order to help louise remind everyone that actually she is not really that 'comical' i will show you all a more normal and nice photo!Please,remember everyone! You are going to forgot about the HALF-HEADED Louise photo you have jus saw previously!!LOL~
As you might have noticed,the person beside was supposingly to be me but i felt that there is NO need to steal the LIMELIGHT from Louise!
YA PEOPEL! I still cannot resist the temptation to show you all this photo where i tried to sort of like 'chopsticked' my own head!!! HAHAHAHAHAS~~~
'EVENTS' happening~(this is jus a section of boring story of my life so don read is okay!)
I have been introduced to work in a piano shop by my piano teacher.And i had asked louise to go to the interview with me.On that day,i had a feeling thet i am going to be late so we took a taxi and next thing that happen will make you think that i am really unlucky.We were on the taxi when he suddenly stopped, and break this really shocking new to us that the tire of the car is spoilt!!!!!We were both in total shocked!He told us that we seriously need to get on another cab so we went down in a middle of a road!!!!We walk to the bustop and hope that we would flagged a cab soon cus i am so going to be LATE!!!!I was thinking that we should take down the taxi car no. but oo far liao.Later while we were on the way,i sms the boss saying that the taxi jus broke down.I was thinking,isn't it abit ridiculous but cant be bothered anyway.Finally reached,so nervous,went in and the interview was actually no interview,he did not even asked any QNS that are difficult and he seem to be already assuming that i would be working but nvm.i am supposed to start work this sat but he haven sort out the salary yet which make me suspicious.Thus i was thinking if he don tell me soon,i will jus not go to work!!!!IDIOT! BTW!there something more important!!!My board is on the variety show xiaozhu in!!!!i made for him last time!!!!i think i told u all b4 le but jus in case some ppl miss it!!!!I saw so many time on the show aready lor!!!!But they change the place liao which is a not very obvious place!!!
written at 5/24/2007 11:53:00 PM
Thursday, May 17, 2007
YOYOYOYO~~CYNDI!!!LOL~~HARHARS~hope you have heard her song before.Sorry for taking such a long time to post!EXAMS + BLOGGER PROBLEM!!Got so much to post about but in the enf,ended up with this quite LAME POST!!hehx~ MAIN ACTRESS~ LOUISE, ALEXI, SIQIThe setting was at my house lar.They all came to playUNO STACKO!!!!! Look below to understand better!!!!
As seen from the above pic,you will find out that uno stacko is a really fun and exciting game!!!!!And,the person behind,who is not really very obvious,and is lying down in a think-i-am-sleeping-beauty-pose,yar....you are not wrong if you said that is LOUISE!!!!! YEP!Heres a clearer view of her!!!!Aiyo!pretend to be shy arrh!
THE FAMOUS PAPARAZZI STRIKES AGAIN!!!This time the victim is ~SIQI, She think she is soooooo famous that she doesn't want me to take a photo of her....aiyo arrh...and she is in her I-AM-VERY-FAMOUS-SO-CAN'T-BE-TAKEN-POSE!!!!!!She attempted to do a paparazzi shot but it seems that she had failed:(And Alexi can't seem to be bother with her too!!!But why?????Because we really can't be bothered!!!This is just to normal within us!!!hahas~~
TA DA..DA DA~~~Now the really unglamourous side of LOUISE!!!!!YOYOYOYO~~LOUISE!!!!Sit until like that arhh~~Once again this is one of the proud works done by the BEST PAPARAZZI!!!!!!!AND THAT IS ME~~~!!!!!!As u had notice the jelly beans,it is really nice!!!but forgot what is the brand leh!!!Want know then tell me arhh,i will go check!!!!!!!!
Lastly,the GROWING-TO-BE-POPULAR-ALEXIS or more affectionately known as ~~ALEXI!!!!!So 'qiang jing tou' arhhh!!!!!aiyo~really cannot show her photo liao,later she more famous than me!!
More EXCITING & INTERESTING POSTS COMING UP!!!!!!BTW,remember the board i made for xiaozhu???!!!If can't,can go find the previous post,got pictures!!!!Anyway,the point is that once again it had appear on 'yu le bai fen bai' which is a variety show featuring THE BEST GUY~XIAOZHU!!!!!OMG!!!! I was soooooo happy lor!!!!But they never really used it ,jus used for decoration!!!But i am satisfied anyway!!!!
In my room!!!!~XIAOZHU RAWKS THE MOST TODAY!!!!!!!!!
written at 5/17/2007 07:17:00 PM
Thursday, May 03, 2007
A long time ago~~
Went to lot1(common place~~)cus time is precious so must be a place nearby!!!Went to watch 200pounds beauty!!!With Alexis!!!Not bad lar.And i saw 2 wierdos taking photos at the board where they advertise the movie,how stupid is this???!!::
Yar~if u realise,that me and alexis!!!did u realise the gal who resemble a 'ghost"???!!!Yar we laugh at it for like 10mins!!!You should be able to imagine how the situation was like??!!!
Okay~enough about this liao.I need to stop Alexis from getting anymore famous!!!!
Later i went home to attend a party,gordon birthday !!!
All his friends have arrive but.....
Yar~This is me and my cousin(lixia).But where are the others???!!!
All of them have been addicted to computer and xbox!!!!
This was what i secretly took!!!!
I seriously do not understand why they like playing MAPLE so much!!!????Its just hitting mushrooms if i am not wrong??!!!I have prove~But it is still rather sensible in the sense that they still know that after u hit the snail,a shell should be left behind!!!!I really think this kind of game,is too violent to kids!!!!Fancy them hitting MUSHROOMS!!!
Button mushrooms are my FAVOURITE!!!!Actually okay only lar~~
Back to the lame party~Yar actually,it was my birthday!!!See how happy i am!!!BUT after looking at the nxt photo,i want to tell u people that ITS NOT MY BIRTHDAY PARTY!!!!
Although there were alot of 'cute' little kids,they are still afterall nerdies!!!!hehx.i am bad!!!Those in RED circles are ---,and the one in PINKis like so cute lor!!!!
And the one pointed by a yellow arrow is like getting to excited!!!!!!
And in case u haven notice,this guy cant stand his friends too!!!!!We share the same sentiment!!!WOW!he is actually quite 'mature' in this case!!!
Lets end here!!!OH~how sad rite but no time people!!!!!!TO BE CONTINUED~~~~okay!So lets end with a pic of me trying to act cute by tying two pigtail!!!!!
written at 5/03/2007 06:55:00 PM
More about me
drop a love letter at celeslim@hotmail.com ♥
PS.according to CYBERSAFETY,we shldnt reveal too much:)