: : On that very day, we went SCIENCE CENTRE in the afternoon but due to my 'tiredness', no pics! : : The NEXT DAY, i did not go with her because the tour guild cant take that much people BUT actually is because NOT ENOUGH $$$$$$$$ LOR! They still don't want to admit! : FINALLY FINALLY.... go to SAFARI with her liao!!!!! Firstly in the afternoon, we had to go watch this NDP REHEARSAL in our SCHOOL!!!! Which is rather boring! BUT before that, we went to LIMBANG to eat.I wanted to bring them to COFFEE SHOP to try some LOCAL FOOD but they dun want!! Siao lor! Since they come , should try our local food what! They very WIERD lor, they sort of like to compare their country food with the ones here and THE MOST 'BEST' INCIDENT THAT HAPPENED~ i ask her : YOU want eat ----- noodles?? Then she said : i don't want. i asked : why? you should try. She said : i don't like eat noodles. , so okay,nevermind lor since she dun like but..... some days later she tell me : The noodles in beijing very nice! I was like, huh! i thought you said you dont like noodles???!!!! OKAY. so nevermind. Its clear that she just doesnt want noodles and she ALSO LIKES TO EAT THE SAME THING! EVERYDAY! during recess. CHA SHAO FAN! and in beijing already got this ler! nevermind, but something very funny is, during recess she eating then i want go buy drinks so i ask her want anot.She said yes so i bought for her BUT she never FINISHED, nevermind, maybe she FULL ma. HOWEVER, this continue for days!!!!!! i tried not asking her but i keep seeing her looking at others drinks so i jus buy lor. BUT I AM NOT SAYING SHE IS A BADDY BAD BAD! SHE is actually okay! :) cus she is my BUDDY ma! Back to main topic. So sadly, we went to MACDONALD. As you can see, i am drinking SLURPPE as i am SHORT OF $$$$!!!! OH GOD! Look so PATHETIC LAR!
AHLO, MISS! NO SUN OKAY! SEE! i even look shock in the picture!
IN the bus on our way home! You guys see the SMALL LITTLE CUTE BOY IN middle! He so cute hor! His name is BEIQIAO! SECONDARY 1 liao leh! More importantly! the CIRCLED GUY! He is the THINK-HE-IS-LEADER-BOSSY-GUY! Everyone very 'BU SHUANG' him lor! i even heard a secondary3 person call him 'KE PO' lei! And is not joking one is SERIOUS! BTW, if you think JIAYING very EXTRA in this pic , DONT BE SHY TO ADMIT CUS I AGREE! LOL~ just kidding lar! jy dun give 'ANG FACE' HOR! :) know you very GOOD DER LA!
There are some problems with MY BEIJING POST! so need wait a while i will solve if i have time:) THUS in the meantime, let you all see this picture!
Not clear hor! LETS HAVE A CLOSE UP!
Now look at me! Don we look alike! BUT i am not saying i am a dog o.k! lol~
VERY FUNNY!! Take a look at my DANG DANG!!!!!