If its like that,it would be better! - BY ME,the BEST PHOTOGRAPHER so must listen. I secretly think they photoshop my face before sending to me,my face look abit OUT-OF-SHAPE. JJ was CUTE,his eyes are seriously small:) When i looked up at him for some form of EYE CONTACT,i couldnt really see much.. but i think he is GREAT because like myself HE LOVES SINGAPORE!!!! WE ROCK!
OKAY.THE ANGRY SAD PART: I NEVER HUG HIM! I am SUPER DUPER VERY ANGRY! cus kaimi and i saw ppl hugging him and i was like WHOA~ we must so do that! BUT i totally forgot about it,KM also!!!!!!! SO WASTED! we failed to eat JJ'S TOFU! :( HAHA.Went KM's email copy her pic!! but she wldnt know until she come back from her CAMP!!! MUHAHHAHAHA~~~~ She looked so HAPPY & DESPO in her pic la!hahah~~ *TRUE JJLIN FAN:)
LASTLY, WE WENT TO EAT THE MARVELOUS ICE-CREAM!!!!!!! (duno if its what its called) But its was YUMMY!!!!! In 'du shi da fa xian' got introduce! 'ICE-CREAM HUI MELT DE'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -HAHAHAHA~ SIGN OFF~ JJFC MEMBER( cant believe it but i still faithful to XIAOZHU ok, I not ready to DIVORCE yet ) :)
*super sorry about the BIG and SMALL pics,I HATE IT TOO!!!!!!!! >:( **WILL POST SOON!!!!! BUSY TAKING CARE OF MY LAND~~ BTW, I saw this on mcdonald's web(jus surfing the net,not intending to work there ok) and i saw this~If you have "ketchup in your veins", come aboard and join us as a member of crew or as a Trainee Restaurant Manager. HAHA! Then if chilli sauce in my veins then cannot lar! LOL! DUN MISS ME!